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Most Hatboro residents associate turbochargers and superchargers with hot rods and racing. However, the number of everyday cars and trucks coming to Hatboro from the factory ...
This fuel saving tip for Hatboro residents is so simple you won't believe it. It has to do with your gas cap. The first thing is to make sure it's screwed on tight. If it's loose, gas vapor will be co...
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Question:What can I do to improve my fuel economy?Jacksonville Auto Repair Answer:There are actually a lot of things Hatboro drivers can do – some of them are pretty easy. O...
Something we hear quite frequently from Hatboro residents is that their fuel economy is down and their vehicle just doesn't have the pep it used to. When that happens, one of the things we look f...
When we Hatboro travel around PA, each of us must deal with blind spots. We can greatly reduce our blind spots by properly adjusting our vehicle mirrors to give the widest coverage possible. We should...
I’d like to give you a quick overview of the fuel system. It starts with the fuel tank. The fuel pump is located inside the tank and pumps fuel out to the engine. Somewhere alo...
A lot of gas is wasted in dirty fuel delivery systems. Let’s start at the tank. The gas tank gathers of dirt, rust and sediment over the years. That’s why there’s a...
The US government has a website dedicated to helping us use less fuel. It presents the cost savings in a way we can all relate to, no matter what kind of vehicle we drive. Here’s an ...